What to Expect


First and foremost welcome to our office!  We appreciate how difficult it may have been to choose a chiropractor and we are truly honored that you're considering us for your chiropractic care.  Here's a rundown of what to expect on your first visit.


What type of health insurance do you accept?

The insurance companies we accept for chiropractic care include Aetna, Cigna, First Choice Health, Kaiser PPO, Labor & Industries/Work Related Injuries, Medicare, Premera, Regence, United Health Care and Motor Vehicle Accidents.

For massage we take Aetna, First Choice Health, Kaiser PPO, Labor & Industries, Premera, and Motor Vehicle Accidents.

If you don't see your insurance company listed, please call us to ask about alternative options. We also accept patients on a cash basis.

First Visit

The goal of the first visit is to establish an accurate diagnosis of your problem and determine if you are a good candidate for chiropractic care.  This normally takes about an hour.  Wear comfortable fitting clothing as we are going to want to see how you move. If the first visit is an emergency, you may receive necessary treatment to begin the healing process.


This is a one on one with Dr. Zografos to discuss your problem in greater detail.  This valuable information will be used to guide the evaluation as well as further determine whether or not chiropractic is the best option for your problem. We want to know how your problem is affecting your life so we can set appropriate goals and get you moving again.


This includes postural, joint and muscle assessments along with proper orthopedic and neurological tests to determine the extent of your affliction and to rule out more serious problems.  If needed, you will be referred for appropriate imaging to further understand the nature of your condition.  If it is an emergency, you can expect to receive some treatment to begin the healing process before your follow up appointment.

Second Visit

After gathering any additional reports from other providers and reviewing the findings of your exam, Dr. Zografos will outline his recommended course of action and begin treatment on your follow-up visit. You are now on the way to returning to your active lifestyle and activities you love.

Follow-Up Appointments

Depending on your problem, a series of treatments will be recommended followed by a re-evaluation to access your progress.  We expect to see measurable improvement in both the way that you feel and the way that you move.  As pain levels drop, more home exercises will be incorporated to begin to address the real cause of your pain.