Tap into the power to heal yourself


Skilled and certified in a wide range of chiropractic disciplines including traditional spinal adjustments, manual therapy, and myofascial release  for soft-tissue injuries, Dr. Zografos fully believes that your care should never be an endless series of treatments. With his expert diagnosis and thorough, caring approach, quickly moving you from pain to performance consists of an assisted healing process that has a beginning, middle and an end.

Our first goal is to determine the source of your pain and get you moving again.

That’s the easy part! Our second and most important goal is to determine why this area of your body has started hurting or has stopped functioning. Many times, the painful area is not the area of primary dysfunction. This can only be determined by skillful functional evaluation of the entire body from “head to toe”. We take a close look at three main areas, Mobility, Stability, and Strength to develop a comprehensive treatment plan to take you to the next level. If these underlying causes aren’t addressed, there’s a good chance you will be injured again in the future, or you will continue to lose the ability to perform normally.


Bad posture and faulty movement patterns lead to abnormal stress on tissues.

We use a variety of techniques to get your spine moving properly including adjustments (manual manipulation), mobilization, and mobility exercises. For restricted soft tissues Dr. Zografos utilizes  Active Release, Functional Range Release, and Graston Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue  Mobilization, which are highly effective treatment methods to get your soft tissue moving properly.


Once better mobility has been established stability is the next step to recovery. 

This all begins at the core (spine) and from there is expanded out to the rest of the body. Without core stability there is no stability. Think of trying to shoot a shotgun out of a moving canoe. Someone is going to get hurt!


Once the core is trained to be stable, then it’s ready to get stronger.

We start at the spine and begin training out to hips, shoulders, knees, and other parts of the body. Specific corrective exercises and specific training for basic movement patterns of squatting, lifting, and reaching are incorporated to improve how your body functions together from the ground up.

Working in harmony with your body’s incredible power to heal itself, Dr. Zografos removes physical obstacles impeding your recovery, allowing you to return to – or exceed – your previous level of wellness.